Hello World,

Well those have been the words that I have been using when I start learning every new programming language. So I couldn't think of any better word to start my first blog than those that have been my introductory to every new learning task for the past few years.

Well there are many lives surrounding us, many people whose actions & reactions determine the way in which our life shapes & the directions in which it turns. People say that we shape our own destiny, but ask them this......Really?? Do they?? 

Yeah, I agree that we play the most important role in the process, but that's it. Our contribution to shaping our destiny ends there, the work that we do, the words that we speak all play a role in how future will look like but It is also the people that we live with, our friends ,family,colleagues etc. every one plays part in shaping our destiny.

So can we really control what it going to happen with us?? or Can we really be sure what effect our actions will   have on the lives of our loved ones??

Well I wish to find the answers to such questions & also of many more less serious aspects of life like Who do you think will win the Champions League??...lolzz

So my journey to finding these answers starts today & also starts a new relationship with my readers.
If any of you have an answer to any of my question, I will look forward for it.
Also I would like to hear your questions...

Alas I end today..
Its not goodbye but Hello that separates us today..............


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