Why is life Binary???

Hi all,

Over the last few days I am constantly bugged by this very particular thought that 
Why is life Binary???

The examples of it lie everywhere:

A Real Madrid Fan hates Barcelona.
A Federer fan dislikes Nadal.
An Apple user discredits Samsung.
A Linux lover calls Windows a Blue screen of death.

And these are all just examples of a few non trivial aspects of our life. We see that a Democrat will never support the Republican views, Here in India congress & BJP supporters will always lock horns despite the fact the none of them today are any better than the other.

Why is it that the opposite of love has to be hate, I read it in a book recently that opposite of love shouldn't be hate but apathy, and considering today's scenarios it can't be more true.

We live in a world where already there are more issues present than us adding to them our menial and petty problems. Sometimes these problems are not even existent by we tend to have them coz we don't notice the fact that there is always another way out of a situation, that it is not necessary to Do or Die everytime.

Sometimes there is a middle way out and to take them is not running away from your problems but ensuring that the problem which is not even worth giving a thought about does not disturb your good night's sleep.

Well these were my views, I may be wrong but I may be right too.

Think about it & comment Is Life really Binary???


{ 2 comments... read them below or add one }

AB said...

Yup it is binary!!!

The point is there cant b 2 kings in a kingdom that the reasn y dis happns.

nd ya Windows is The Blue screen of death :P


Aryanurag said...

The point is that the one who is not the king isn't enemy of the state in that case..

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